Monday, March 5, 2012

Along My Garden Path

I surrender.  At least a little bit.  I've tried for three years to work a 50' x 50' garden patch with little success.  Each year, it's been so wet that I could not till that patch until nearly June.  After it was planted, I could not keep it weeded.  So I have a new plan:  strip gardening.

I can't say I got the idea from him, but Eliot Coleman writes about using strips to manage the area inside his hoop house in Four-Season Harvest.  He divides his hoop house into strips with narrow pathways between.  This gives him room to move around without injuring plants or compacting soil.

It makes sense.  I tried it last season with some success.  I tilled a single tiller-width strip, four feet wide, down the center of the orchard.  I could step across it and only put my foot down once so I didn't compact the soil.  I could chop and hoe from the edges and reach to the center.

But, I still could not keep up with the grass and weeds.  Mulching with grass clippings really helped (see Thank You Very Mulch). 

Last year was very dry.  This year, instead of using a sprinkler, I plan to wind soaker hoses under the mulch.  Hopefully, the mulch will help with water retention.

Last year was also especially hot.  The plants were set too close together, were heat-stressed, and fruit did not set.  This year, I'll set them less densely.

This year, I plan to do the same, but will am working on succession plantings to maximize the space.  I'm also expanding the method. 

My 50' x 50' garden plot will become a series of strips with paths between.  I plan to "pave" the paths with cardboard for weed control and to encourage red worms, who seem to love the stuff.  I can use all the help I can get with soil improvement.

I've discovered that I'm more likely to work the space if I include some decorative elements, too.  For aesthetics, I plan to install a piece of ornamental concrete yard art or, perhapes, a seating area at the center of the space.  I also plan to install soaker hoses for watering and mulch for moisture control. 

So, that's the plan.  I'm gearing up for a great season.  What's your plan for your garden?


  1. After watching "Back to Eden" movie online I think I am going that route. I have had much garden success but the weeds are crazy sometimes so I like his methods with mulch. If you haven't seen it yet it is worth checking out. Happy gardening!

    1. I'm going to watch that movie this weekend! Thank you for reading. Good luck with your garden!



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