Monday, January 21, 2013

The Epic Conclusion: DIY Greenhouse for Seed Starting for Organic Gardening!

Recap:  Seed starting greenhouse is half-finished!
When last we left our plucky heroine, she was half-finished with her seed-starting greenhouse.  Tine and tides being as they are, I waited until Saturday (yesterday) to finish it!  To complete the greenhouse, I attached two clear shower curtains at each back corner with cable (zip) ties, then overlapped them on the front.

Not quite toasty enough
for germination.
I also included an Acu-Rite thermometer with a wireless remote so I can monitor temperature and humidity from inside the house.  (The greenhouse is in an empty garage bay with the car usually parked in between.)

The total cost for the project is just under $200 (remember, the shelves were salvaged) for 40 square feet (or 60 cubic feet) of greenhouse space.

With the greenhouse finally finished, I planted my early tomatoes and peppers:

Tomatoes (30 each):  Eva Purple Ball, Mountain Fresh, and Bloody Butcher

Peppers:  King Arthur Hybrid (18), Melrose Frying (36), and Early Jalapeno (72).

I hope the discount trays work
as well as the full-price ones!
While I have purchased some wonderful trays and inserts from Greenhouse Megastore, yesterday, I used some that I purchased for 90% off at our local Dollar General.  After planting and watering, I turned on the lights (for heat) and have been monitoring since.

As of today, no germination (of course not!), and the temperature and humidity are lower that I'd like.  With a cold front coming through tonight, I'm interested in how well the plastic will hold the heat.  If it does not improve, I'll have to create some seedling heat mats!  In the coldest days, I wonder if I could wrap a quilt around the greenhouse to hold in the heat.

It also occurs to me that a timer would be handy to have for those days when my schedule does not coincide with the needs of the baby plants.

Oh, well, there's always a problem to solve.  But, officially, the 2013 crop year has begun!  Here's hoping for (and working toward) a good one.

What's growing in your garden?

The finished seedling incubator!

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